In web development, understanding when and how to use HTTP methods such as PUT, POST, and PATCH is crucial for creating RESTful APIs. Each method plays a unique role in resource manipulation over the network. Let’s dive into the specifics of these methods, their use cases in a C# API, and how they affect the state of the resources on the server.

PUT Use Case: Updating or replacing a resource entirely at a known URL. If the resource does not exist at the specified URL, it can be created.

Example: Updating a user's profile information.

public IActionResult UpdateUser(int id, [FromBody] User user)
    var existingUser = _userService.GetUserById(id);
    if (existingUser == null)
        return NotFound();

    _userService.UpdateUser(id, user);
    return NoContent(); // 204 No Content

Outcome: The entire user entity at the specified ID is updated with the new details provided. If the user does not exist, it could be created.

POST Use Case: Creating a new resource without specifying the resource's URL. The server determines the new resource's URL.

Example: Adding a new user.

public IActionResult CreateUser([FromBody] User newUser)
    return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetUser), new { id = newUser.Id }, newUser); // 201 Created

Outcome: A new user is created, and the API responds with the URL of the newly created resource.

PATCH Use Case: Partially updating a resource's properties without replacing the entire resource.

Example: Updating a user's email address.

public IActionResult UpdateUserEmail(int id, [FromBody] JsonPatchDocument<User> patchDoc)
    var user = _userService.GetUserById(id);
    if (user == null)
        return NotFound();

    patchDoc.ApplyTo(user, ModelState);
    return NoContent(); // 204 No Content

Outcome: Only the specified fields (e.g., the email address) are updated in the user entity, leaving the rest of the user's information unchanged.

PUT is used for updating or replacing a resource entirely at a known URL. This method should be used when updating a user's profile information or other resources. On the other hand, POST is used for creating a new resource without specifying the resource's URL. The server determines the new resource's URL. This method is useful when adding a new user or other resources.

Finally, PATCH is used for partially updating a resource's properties without replacing the entire resource. For example, updating a user's email address. This method ensures that only the specified fields are updated, leaving the rest of the user's information unchanged.

By understanding the differences between PUT, POST, and PATCH, you can create efficient and effective RESTful APIs in C#.


PUT: A full record is highlighted, showing it being replaced entirely. POST: Show a new record being added to the database. PATCH: Highlight specific fields in a record to indicate a partial update.