Prerequisites: Install Visual Studio:

Make sure you have Visual Studio 2022 or a later version installed with the .NET MAUI workload. Windows App Store Developer Account:

You need a Windows App Store Developer account. You can sign up on the Microsoft Dev Center if you don't have an account. Deployment Steps:

  1. Package Your Application:
  •     In Visual Studio, right-click on your .NET MAUI project and select "Publish." Choose the Windows project and configure the necessary settings. This will generate a Windows package (.msix or .appx) in the output directory.
  1. Associate Your App with the Windows Dev Center:
  • Go to the Windows Dev Center.
  • Create a new app and associate it with your .NET MAUI application.
  • Provide the required information such as app name, description, and screenshots.
  1. Generate and Configure App Packages:
  • Follow the instructions provided in the Windows Dev Center documentation to create app packages.
  • Ensure you configure the necessary details such as capabilities and ensure compliance with Windows Store policies.
  1. Submit Your App to the Windows App Store:
  • Use the Windows Dev Center to submit your .NET MAUI application.
  • Upload the generated app packages and provide additional metadata.
  • Go through the certification process.
  1. Certification and Validation:
  • Microsoft will review your application for compliance and potential issues.
  • Resolve any feedback or issues provided during the certification process.
  1. Publication:
  • Once your application passes certification, you can publish it to the Windows App Store.
  • Users will be able to discover, download, and install your .NET MAUI application from the store.